Over Dramatics about Spiraling Economy  

Posted by Anonymous in , , , , ,

I understand that the United States' economy is falling apart at its seams. Thousands are losing their jobs, the stock market is dropping every day, yadda yadda yadda. I know that this sounds very inconsiderate, or maybe just downright cruel, but I really believe that all of the hype about which direction the economy will be moving in is making everything worse. When people predict that we are going to go into a depression, and other experts explaining that people will lose their jobs, I'm sure they have some relevant research to prove all of this, but I really think it's just freaking out corporate America and they are trying to save themselves from economic destruction (cue the dramatic music).

I do sympathize for blue collar Americans, those who work in factories, or some semi-dead end job, and then are fired because their bosses or companies are afraid they are going to lose too much money (not enough in your pockets?) A lot of hard working people are getting fired over all of this hoopla that I think could be semi-avoided if people on CNN or wherever would just shut up about how bad the future is going to be to freak out employers, as well as the working people.

However, I do not sympathize for people like Amber Easton, who are making headlines in the same places where the hue and cry is coming from. Amber used to make $80,000 dollars are year at some hoity toity job. But now, since the economy is just crumbling around everyone's feet, she is now forced to wait in line at job fairs.

This is not like the average worker in America, who makes well less than $80,000, and are waiting on lines at job fairs and unemployment agencies to live. Amber Easton made $80,000 a year. I'm going to keep repeating it until it hits you the way it hit me. $80,000 a year. Did you get it yet? What happened to all of that money? According to the article, Amber went back to school to see if she wanted to become a career changer. Maybe that would be understandable if you didn't like your job, but I think that for $80,000 a year, unless they were overworking me to death, I would learn to like it. Okay, so paying for school does cost money, but if she was working for multiple years at this place, making $80,000 a year, where the !#@%#$ did the rest of the money go?

This economy is shutting down because people like Amber Easton, who live in the moment, don't save any friggin' money! I'm unsympathetic to people who end up on CNN or any other news outlet that once had a great 5, 6 figure salary and now have to stand in line at a job fair with "regular" workers. If you had planned a little bit for the future, and I'm not talking about kids and college, then wouldn't you have put some money aside? A little rainy day money? I was trying to save half of what I earned at my dinky 15 dollars and hour job, which I too was laid off from. I managed to save a good deal; so why can't these rich people figure it out? If I saved half of Amber's preexisting salary, $40,000 is not bad at all to be living off of.

I guess the bottom line is that people are freaking out over the economy, and news outlets everywhere are feeding this fear with crap news stories like this one. Watch out! You could be rich and this could happen to you! Maybe if you were stupid about your money it would. Until it happens to me, I'm not changing my attitude about this one.


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