Leave Obama Alone!
Posted by Anonymous in Barack Obama, Cabinet, Clinton, cnn.com, Pastor Rick Warren, President-Elect, Women
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In case you have not heard, the gay and lesbians are mad at Obama because he chose Pastor Rick Warren to help with the inauguration in January. Now, some women's groups are ticked off at Obama because there he chose only 5 women to become part of his future Cabinet. Apparently this is about the same amount of women that Bill Clinton and Dubya had in their Cabinets, so there is no real gain for the female sex.
As being one of the female sex, I think that I have the right to voice my opinion. I believe that Obama is choosing highly qualified people to help him run the country come January. And if there are only 5 qualified women, then so be it. If he had to think about what sexes, races, cultures, etc. had to be in the Cabinet to make everyone happy, he would probably lose his mind! I know I would. You can't please everyone, and I would rather have our President-Elect choosing the right people, rather than basing this decision on if that person is male or female.
And as for the whole Pastor thing, relax. Almost all of the United States, and practically the entire world will be celebrating January 20th like it is the best day on Earth, because it is. As long as the Pastor doesn't get up there and say that those who are not of the same faith will go to hell, I really don't care if he's there. It's Obama's day, not Rick Warren's, and I bet he knows that. And that's coming straight from an atheist's mouth. So he's going to be there, do his little religious voodoo for a few minutes and then it's over. Get over it!
So for all of you nay-sayers out there that are nit-picking every little detail about the President-Elect and his decisions, I would like you to remember one thing: if Barack Obama hadn't been elected, you would have waaaaaaaay more to be bitching about. So shut your mouth and have yourself some happy holidays!